Ruobing Xian received his first degree in Historical Linguistics and Greek Philology at the Humboldt University, Berlin. He then moved to Heidelberg where he pursued his postgraduate studies in Greek Philology, supervised by Jonas Grethlein and Jenny Strauss Clay. Before joining Fudan University he was visiting fellow of Corpus Christi College (Oxford). His research interests include archaic poetry (esp. Homer), ancient Historiography (esp. Herodotus), and the Second Sophistic.

  1. ‘Zur Beschreibung des Alkinoos-Palasts (Od. 7.84–132)’, Philologus (2019 forthcoming)
  2. ‘Aristotle, Poetics 23, 1459a35–37’, Rheinisches Museum für Philologie (forthcoming)
  3. ‘Locus amoenus und sein Gegenstück in Od. 5’, Hermes (forthcoming)
  4. ‘A Note on ἀγοράνin Pindar N. 3.14’, Mnemosyne (forthcoming)
  5. (2017) ‘Geschlossener Raum und narrative Spannung in der Odyssee’, Materiali e Discussioni 79: 9–29
  6. (2017) ‘Der Chronotopos der Ziegeninsel (Hom. Od. 9.116–141)’, Mnemosyne 70: 899–919
  7. (2017) ‘Two Notes on Philostratus’Imagines 2.28 (‘Looms’)’, Classical Quarterly  67: 335–38
  8. (2017) ‘Die Ithakalandschaft in Od. 13’, Mnemosyne 70: 537–61
  9. (2017) ‘An Etymological Note on Homeric ὑπόδρα’, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 57: 261–67
  10. (2017) ‘Zur Etymologie von gr. μόθος’, Glotta 93: 250–54

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